
100 - 499人 | 外商独资

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克恩-里伯斯中国业务集团于1993年由克恩-里伯斯集团投资兴建,注册资本1192万欧元。是德国克恩-里伯斯集团50余家子公司之一。作为江苏省太仓市第一家德资企业,公司主要生产各类精密弹簧,冲压及冲压元件,纺织元件,卡圈及组件。公司的产品应用领域覆盖了汽车行业,电子,电器行业和医疗行业等。2009年起公司全面运行SAP系统。09/10财政年度预计销售额达到3.5亿元,其中安全带弹簧的生产已经达到70%的中国市场覆盖率。全世界有1/3的紧身衣是由克恩-里伯斯生产的沉降片制造。员工人数也从2004年的145人,增加到目前的近500人,人均利税高达10万元。2007年新厂房竣工,厂房面积2.5万平方米。公司将可靠的产品质量列为企业发展战略,采用完善的质量保证体系,先进的测量和控制技术,顺利通过CE认证,ISO14001,TS 16949 认证。并先后在太仓、广州、天津成立分公司。Kern-Liebers China group, a wholly-owned German company founded in 1993 with a total registered capital of 11,920,000 Euro and is part of the German Kern-Liebers group which has over 50 subsidiaries worldwide. As the first German-invested enterprise in Taicang, Kern-Liebers mainly manufactures many different kinds of precision springs, stamped parts, fine blanked parts, knitting parts, rings and assemblies. The application of the products covers automotive, electrical industry and medical industry. The entire company has run the SAP system since 2009. The estimated sales volume of fiscal year of 2009/2010 reaches 350 million and the coverage rate in China market of seat belt spring already achieves 70%. One third of all fine tights are knitted using sinkers from KERN-LIEBERS in China. The employee number increases to nearly 500 from 145 of 2004 and the per capita profits and taxes is as high as 100,000 CNY. The new plant was completed in 2007, and the plant area is 25,000 square meters. Kern-Liebers sets the reliability of the product quality as the development strategy of the company, adopts the perfect quality assurance system and the advanced measuring and control technology, and successfully passed the certification of CE, ISO14001 and ISO/TS16949. Kern-Liebers China established subsidiaries in Taicang, Guangzhou and Tianjin.


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